Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Party

Last night Allen and I went to a Halloween party as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley.

Leslie Harrison was Dolly Parton and Shauna Bushman was Dawg the bounty hunters wife.
Leslie, Bret (Dawg the bounty hunter) and Shauna
The king


Bret Bushman Family said...

Those are awesome pictures, you two looked amazing, it was a fun party.

The Pearsons said...

Awesome! At first I was very impressed that Allen would have a white suit. Then I was wondering where one would find a white suit. Then I looked at his shoes. Then I realized where the white suit came from. Too funny!!! I love it though.

Noreen & Allen said...

Allen said..."Ya, it's my Temple suit, it's a little flairy but the patrons seem to like it." No! We bought it at the costume store.

Marri said...

You both look great! Glad you had a nice time.

Mel said...

You are a beautiful Marilyn Monroe!